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GOP political priorities are destructive

Making President Obama a one-term president has repeatedly been stated as the the No. 1 goal of our “do nothing” obstructional legislators.

In light of all the problems our country is dealing with, this hardly seems like a worthy goal when their constituents needs them to focus their efforts creating jobs, work to improve our education systems and safeguard those many who are needy.

Why should we have many of the country’s elected representative signing pledges not to increase taxes on the wealthiest 1 percent. Shouldn’t these legislators serve the best interest of their constituents, which they pledged to do when they took their oath of office? Do we want our legislators to be beholden to people like Grover Nordquist, the Koch Brothers or Karl Rove?

It is hard to believe that our Founding Fathers visualized our legislators as career politicians. Term limits seems to be one viable solution. Sadly, this would eliminate some legislators who are actually dedicated to their constituents. Unfortunately, power in office may tend to corrupt. Term limits may have the positive effect of reminding our legislator why they were elected to office.

It all comes down to priorities. Right now, it appears that the Party of No has but one priority and it is not job creation, it’s ensuring that Obama is a one-term president.

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