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Little things make a big difference

America sits on a precarious precipice of history – history being made or remembered. Either way, we’ve gotten to a potential zenith of our resources, manmade wealth and the ones bestowed by Mother Nature/Father Time.

One more huge mistake by people here voting for some great haircut or accent or whatever the media drives home in our heads on the 6 o’clock news; America goes in the toilet.

Normally a malady occurs very slowly and the cure takes time as well – this self-incurred negative prognosis happened very quickly in the face of human history – 7 billion in the blink of an eye – USA debt in no time at all.

If a 100-acre pond supported 100 fish for 100 hundred years nicely, then the fish got realy smart and learned to multiply tenfold – the pond doesn’t die, the excess fish do. America will still be here after we screw it up beyond repair.

Mother earth will continue long after we populate ourselves out of food, etc. and no longer mark the slight passage of our lineal time. After the 15-minute rash, the skin clears and goes on to the forget the slight malady.

Your grandchildren’s grandchildren will surely wonder how stupid you must have been to pour out the water till the glass was empty and there wasn’t any more.

No one can fix this mammoth problem – but everyone can do some little thing of their own to make a small difference – x 7 billion – spend one of your precious moments this day – think of what you can do.

Pick up a piece of trash. Plug a gap to save just one BTU. Turn off a light. “Give a hoot – don’t pollute.”

I could say more. You can well imagine what else you can do.

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