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Insurance mandate protects individual rights

In response to Ron Reynolds’ letter about birth control, no one is infringing on his First Amendment rights.

No one is mandated to take birth control. However, women who want to use birth control will be able to get it through their employers’ insurance. If the employer does not want to pay for it, then the insurance company has to pay for it.

The majority of Catholics do not have a problem with this. In fact, 90 percent of Catholic women have used some form of contraception. The issue of requiring church-affiliated institutions to provide insurance that gives women coverage for contraception is less about religious freedom than it is about individual freedom.

We all have the right to practice or not practice any religion we wish to. If I want to worship a tree that is my privilege. There is nothing unconstitutional about it. If you don’t want birth control, then don’t use it. But leave anyone who does want it alone.

Furthermore, we are not a Christian nation. Our founding fathers were very explicit about that. Many of their parents or grandparents had been victims of nations where religious differences were resolved through holy wars and inquisitions.

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