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Homeschooling provides solid ground for children

Kevin Schmoldt complained (County Post, March 15) that teachers are under appreciated and have been stabbed in the back by Gov. Scott Walker and his taxpayers.

It’s difficult to revere and appreciate those who whine and act childish when they are simply called to share a little more responsibility for their health care costs and retirement benefits with the already overburdened taxpayers.

Most of our enormously high property tax goes to pay for the government education monopoly. Never have so many been taxed so much for so little.

The educational elite continually claim they are concerned about quality education. More money is always needed “for the children.”

The scenario we have witnessed over the last year reveals the true motives of the teachers union – it’s all about me, me, me with increased salaries and benefits and more and more money pumped into their coffers.

In spite of the rhetoric touted by Kevin and others, the emperor is truly naked. The obvious cannot be ignored. We see academic failure, moral decay and even physical danger in our schools.

Today, most that emerge from the system read and write poorly, have stunted vocabularies, poor math skills, know little geography and less history and know almost nothing about the economic system in which we live.

More money will not fix it.

Fleeing the mediocre government school system, homeschoolers know this and have become a growing and positive force. The academic achievement of home-schooled children surpasses that of the public schools.

In one national study, they scored 37 percentile points higher than the national average for public schools.

Home-school parents want solid grounding in the basics of learning; they want their children to think logically and understand the history of our nation.

Most important, a vast majority of home-school parents also want their children to embrace biblical values and a Christian worldview as opposed to secular humanism and its destructive end.

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