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America’s future depends on 2012 elections

Fellow northeast Wisconsinites, make no mistake – while far too many political ads say otherwise, this is an election that will determine many larger issues of our time.

Issues like the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court for a generation; whether public education and teachers are lifted up or torn down in the public square; whether your child’s pre-existing medical condition has or does not have private insurance coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act; whether we reform Medicare and Medicaid or instead privatize and end this social contract with all Americans; whether women have the final say over their reproductive healt hcare and hence economic decisions; whether climate change is taken seriously or not; whether social and legal equality for all Americans is a reality; whether our beloved returning veterans get the welcome home, care and employment opportunities they so deserve; and whether this nation stops sending its young people to fight and die in a volatile Middle East.

Democrats President Barack Obama, U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin, and U.S. House candidate Jamie Wall will move this state and nation forward on all the issues above and much more. The Tea Party Republicans would instead look backwards, continuing failed top-down economic policies and Wall Street deregulation of former President George W. Bush, with more tax breaks for the wealthy at the expense of the poor and middle class.

America is at its greatest when we have an economically mobile society where everyone has an opportunity to rise to their potential.

Badgers don’t look backward; they look forward.

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