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Australians decide to end forced fluoridation

Our good friends the Australians down under have recently won a huge victory against fluoride.

This is really big news. It should be on the front page of every newspaper in America.

Listen to this.

Australian health authorities admit water fluroidation is “involuntary medication” of the public.

How fantastic is that.

Here you have close to 200,000 Australians freed from the medical slavery that is artificial water fluoridation all because of a major governmental policy change.

As reported by “The Australian,” Mayor Rosa Lee Long, of the north Queensland Tablelands Regional Council, successfully lobbied LNP to end a long-standing policy that compelled local communities to fluoridate without approval from local residents.

“If people want to have access to fluoride, they need to take that up with their dentists,” said a local Cairns council spokeswoman. “The decision has been made . . . fluoride shouldn’t be forced on people without their consent.”

Queensland’s LNP has remained steadfast in its decision, declaring forced water fluroidation to be “involuntary medication” of the public, regardless of someones own personal opinion on the efficacy and safety of fluoride.

You can ballyhoo all you want about the pros and cons of fluoride. It matters not one iota.

Artificial fluroide is a drug.

Putting a drug into the municipal water supply is illegal.

Medicating the public without informed consent is illegal.

Dispending medication without a license is illegal.

Period. End of discussion.

Some of you reading this probably know of some communities in the area that do fluoridate their water.

If I lived in such a community, I would be on the phone or emailing the mayor and board members frequently, not asking that they remove the fluoride, but telling them to get the fluroide out of my water pronto and stop medicating my family without my permission.

Thanks again to the Australians for opening our eyes and setting us straight in seeing how out of hand water fluoridation has become.

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