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Time to try something drastic

It is reported that there will be an attempt to sue the president for failing to enforce the laws of Congress. Hopefully the suit will also address how he’s making up his own rules and imposing his own requirements. It’s about time to try something to reign in this guy.

His list of failures is headed by his disregard for securing the borders, not sending illegals back, and opening up the borders to all children who can make it here. He has changed the implementation dates of Obamacare multiple times to fit his political agenda. He is making up his own EPA requirements to impose on our country. He chose to release five terrorists without following the law to first bring it before Congress. The list goes on and on.

The odds of this suit being successful is probably low to zero as it will fall under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department and his buddy Eric Holder will no doubt ignore it. But this effort to sue may wake up more American people to the way this guy operates outside the law.

Fox News will follow the story for the American people but how about the liberal networks who refuse to cover anything against this president. Will they ignore this story too?

John W. Stuebs

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