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Vote for honesty

Reader questions integrity of Democrats

Voters need to know; Democrats will sell you out.

They don’t act on what is best for U.S. citizens.

They do what is best for the Democratic Party, to gain power and gain voters.

Obama refuses to deport foreigners who over stay Visas.

Half a million a year come here on Visas and don’t leave.

Another million come here each year to stay legally.

Another million come in illegally.

Democrats won’t stop them.

If you can’t find a job or can’t get a raise, it may be because we have 10 million immigrants that came in the last 10 years and they have the jobs.

This depresses wages.

Obama and Eric Holder allowed thousands of guns to be sold to Mexican druglords in “Fast and Furious.”

El Chapo Guzmán was recently recaptured. He had Fast and Furious guns when captured.

Democrats are not looking out for you.

Hillary Clinton will sell anyone out if the price is right.

She used the secretary of state office to make dirty deals and get millions in speaking fees for Bill.

They are old crooks.

Vote from someone who might possibly be honest.

Greg Oerter

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