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Johnson earned his $10 million bonus

Country has deteriorated toward socialism

The TV ad, by Russ Feingold regarding the money Sen. Ron Johnson has paid himself is misleading.

It says, darkly, that he has paid himself $700,000 with a voiceover of the senator saying he thinks that’s a reasonable amount. Then he’s chastised by a voice saying he doesn’t care about those who only make $7.25 per hour and voted against raising the minimum wage law.

Then he’s accused of giving himself a “corporate” payout of $10 million. I ask, “So what?”

Ron Johnson started his company, Pacur, from scratch and brought it to where it is today through long hours and hard work and he did it the old-fashioned way. He earned it.

Why is working hard, building up a company and giving yourself compensation a cause for censure?

Has our country deteriorated towards socialism so far that a hard-working man like Johnson is supposed to apologize for being just that?

Johnson actually works for the people of this state, investigating the Tomah VA scandal and co-founding the Joseph Project with Jerome Smith, black pastor from Milwaukee.

These are the committees he’s on in Washington: chairman of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senate Committee on the Budget and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. He is not just wasting time in Washington, he actually works on these committees.

The Washington Examiner wrote a story on the productivity of Congress and stated that Johnson is the most productive member of the Senate.

You know who I’ll vote for.

Charlotte Stevenson

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