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New TID moves forward

Pending approval of developer’s agreement

By Bert Lehman

Only a couple months after voting to close the remaining Tax Incremental Districts in the city of Clintonville, the Clintonville City Council approved a contract with Ehlers to create a new TID, pending the final approval of a development project.

The council took that action at its July 11 meeting.

The prior day, the city’s finance committee discussed and recommended the proposed contract with Ehlers. The amount of the contract totals $14,500.

At the finance committee meeting, Clintonville City Administrator Sharon Eveland told the committee that the city is in a bit of a “time crunch” to create a new TID.

“The initial resolution has to be passed by Sept. 30 for the TID to be established in that calendar year,” Eveland told the committee.

Eveland recommended to the committee that the city contract with Ehlers to work on the TID creation process. She said the process is done in three stages, and billed in three stages. A feasibility study is done first.

She added that if the feasibility study shows a TID can’t be sustained, the city would not be responsible for paying for the two remaining stages of the process.

The city council meetings the last two months, the city council has met in closed session to discuss a development project. At each meeting, when the council reconvened in open session, Clintonville Mayor Lois Bressette announced the council has directed Eveland to continue to work with the developer.

No information was provided about what the development is, or if it is associated with the proposed new TID.

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