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Safety concerns regarding pond

Clintonville residents ask city to review issue

By Bert Lehman

Two area residents addressed the Clintonville City Council about concerns they have regarding the property that houses new apartment buildings .

The concerns were stated during the Oct. 8 Clintonville City Council meeting.

Dean Martin, who lives near the new apartment complex, said he understood that there would be a dividing line between the apartment buildings and the neighboring properties.

“They have not cleaned up the garbage, they have not taken down any of the stuff they were supposed to do,” Martin said.

Martin also expressed concern about a pond of water on the apartment building property.

“Something has to be done with that. Somebody’s going to drown in there,” Martin told the council.

Although the apartment complex was not on the agenda, a short discussion took place at the meeting.

Mayor Richard Beggs said work on the apartment buildings property has not concluded, as landscaping work is still taking place.

“Hopefully by the time they get done we will have met the requirements they agreed to on their contract,” Beggs said. “I’m not too nervous that they won’t do it. I wish they would get on to it quicker.

Beggs told Martin that he agrees with him regarding the pond of water on the property.

“Right now, they’re telling me they don’t need a fence around it, I don’t happen to agree with that,” Beggs said. “And I think the water is deeper than we should have it. We’ve had a lot of heavy rain there. From my view you have a valid concern there. I think we need to work on that yet.”

Judy Jorstad also addressed the council about the pond, stating that the water is not draining from it.

“I’m a concerned citizen who does not want to see any of them children that are living in those beautiful apartment complexes get drowned,” Jorstad said. “Come rolling down that hill and fall in that water. That is my biggest concern. I do not as a citizen want to see a child die.”

Beggs said that has also been a concern of the city.

He added that the city will look into the issues expressed by the citizens.

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