CLINTONVILLE - Seven candidates will face off in the Feb. 18 primary for the Clintonville Board of Education, with the top four candidates receiving votes moving on to the April 1 spring election. …
CLINTONVILLE – More than 40 people attended an open house at the Clintonville Municipal Airport Jan. 15 for the newly formed EAA Chapter 1710, encompassing the Clintonville and Shawano …
CLINTONVILLE – The merry-go-round and climb-around located at W.A. Olen Park will be moved to Bucholtz Park to help make room for all-inclusive park equipment to be installed this year. That …
CLINTONVILLE – Trash being placed in the city of Clintonville’s brush and compost bins has become a more common occurrence, which creates problems for the city and more work of city …
Dellwood Child Care opened Sept. 1, 2020, and was first evaluated on Dec. 31 of that year, when it received a three-star rating
Clintonville native pursues professional sports career
Police have more options dealing with minors
Six days working in Florida after Hurricane Milton
Clintonville dealership opened in 1974
High-tech firearm training offered in Clintonville
City council reviews preliminary budget
Delayed black granite arrives in Clintonville
Efforts underway for all-inclusive equipment at Clintonville park
Council wants more information on options
Clintonville waiting for shipment from India
All-inclusive playground planned for Olen Park
Clintonville hopes to start project in 2025
Court of Honor held Aug. 18 at Christus Lutheran Church in Clintonville.
A plume of smoke appears in the sky after a regulator exploded at the East Madison substation in Clintonville Aug. 1. The cause of the explosion is unknown. Photo courtesy of Dave Tichinel Cause of …
Work was halted at the stadium grandstand in Clintonville. Bert Lehman Photo Roof may be removed By Bert Lehman The project to replace the I-beams for the grandstand roof at Don Jirschele Stadium at …