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By Bert Lehman
After discussing purchase bids received for the Rexford Longfellow Elementary School complex at two consecutive meetings, the Clintonville School Board has taken no action and the district has not released any information about the bids.
All discussions took place in closed session.
Purchase bids were due to the district by Nov. 1.
According to the bid request sent out by the district, the bids were to include a written offer and proof of funds.
Nov. 13 meeting
At its Nov. 13 meeting, the board discussed in closed session, the purchase bids that it had received by the Nov. 1 deadline.
After reconvening in open session, the board authorized the school district’s lawyers to contact the entity that submitted the highest bid to purchase the former Rexford Longfellow Elementary School complex. No further information was released.
While information was not released about the entities that submitted bids, several residents spoke during public comments at the meeting, asking the board to approve the bid submitted by St. Martin Lutheran Church.
One of those residents to speak was Rev. Jason Zobel, who has been a senior pastor at St. Martin Lutheran Church for about two years.
If St. Martin were to receive the bid, the Rexford Longfellow complex would be used by St. Martin Lutheran School, which is across the street from the complex.
The Clintonville Tribune-Gazette send at email to Zobel, asking if St. Martin was contacted as the high bidder, but did not receive a response.
One resident did speak at the board meeting recommending that the board not award the bid to St. Martin.
Nov. 27 meeting
The Rexford Longfellow property was on the agenda for the Nov. 27 board meeting with the following information, “The Board of Education will discuss the possible acceptance of a bid received from an interested party for the sale of the Rexford/Longfellow Property.”
That agenda item was discussed in closed session.
Superintendent Troy Kuhn told the Clintonville Tribune-Gazette that no action was taken on the agenda item.