Friday, September 20, 2024

Detective offers tips on avoiding scams


HCE sponsors educational program at courthouse

Detective Sgt. Brian Hoelzel, with the Waupaca Police Department, will present “Don’t be a Sucker for a Scam” at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, at the Waupaca County Courthouse.

Hoelzel will discuss recent scams in the area as well as how best to avoid or report a possible fraud.

With cases of consumer fraud up 60 percent since 2008, and half of it happening online. Local police and sheriff departments as well as credit card companies and banks urge everyone to keep their personal information and money safe.

Scam artists in the U.S. and around the world defraud millions of people each year for billions of dollars. Identity theft and scam reports to authorities come from phone, email, postal mail and the Internet to trick people into sending money or giving out personal information.

Seniors are particularly at risk for scams and are hesitant to report their experiences to family and authorities, making them a perfect target.

Sponsored by the Waupaca County Association for Home and Community Education, the program is free and open to the public.

Advanced registration is required by calling Waupaca County UW-Extension at 715-258-6224.

Detective Sgt. Brian Hoelzel, Waupaca County HCE, Waupaca scams