Thursday, September 19, 2024

Giganti to address GOP dinner


Talk radio host is keynote speaker

The Waupaca County Republican Party will hold a Lincoln/Reagan/Trump dinner on Saturday, April 17, at Par 4 Bistro, 201 Foxfire Drive, Waupaca.

Cocktails will begin at 5 p.m., with dinner at 6 p.m.

The theme for this year’s dinner will be “Make Wisconsin Great Again.”

Joe Giganti, of “The Regular Joe Show,” will be the keynote speaker.

Other speakers include Oak Creek businessman Jonathan Wichmann, who has announced his candidacy for Wisconsin governor in 2022, and former lt. governor Rebecca Kleefisch will speak during cocktails.

Kevin Nicholson, former candidate for U.S. Senate and current CEO of the “No Better Friend Corp,” a nonprofit group focused on promoting conservative ideas, will talk about their approaches to addressing national issues.

Tickets must be obtained in advance by emailing Chris Martinson at or by calling County Chair Alicia Dorsett at 715-256-7835.

The cost is $30 per person.