Friday, September 13, 2024

Ice rink coming to Hortonville


Freeze needed before public can skate

By John Faucher

Village of Hortonville residents should soon see a new winter feature added to Alonzo Park just in time for the holidays.

Village officials told the Press Star Thursday, Dec. 13, that the new ice rink has been filled with water, but the rink remains closed until colder temperatures freeze the water.

“It’s a beautiful ice rink that is easy to assemble,” Hortonville Village Administrator David DeTroye said of the ice rink kit at a Nov. 15 village board meeting.

DeTroye said the portable ice rink was manufactured by NiceRink in Genoa City.


He previously worked with the same ice rink package during his tenure in the city of Delafield.

“You basically assemble the boards, wait for the cold weather, put a liner in it, add water and you have a 32-by-64-foot ice skating rink,” DeTroye said.

He said the rink is approximately the size of the boardroom at the village municipal services center.

“All pieces of the rink are made to be used annually,” he said.

Alonzo Park was selected as the location for the rink because it is visible from State Highway 15.

“Alonzo Park seemed to be the best fit. We had shelter, we had light, we had parking and exposure,” DeTroye said.

The park is within walking distance of the schools and has a nearby water source for filling the rink.

DeTroye said there will be benches and tables adjacent to the rink for visitors to use for changing into ice skates.

The village plans to install portable toilets near the rink.

The village purchased the $3,346 rink kit using leftover funds in the parks budget.

“We are hoping to get the entire cost offset,” DeTroye told board members.

He plans to send letters requesting donations to local civic groups and community members who supported past recreation projects.

“My goal is to every year be able to add a couple of amenities to the village. That’s something I’ve always believed in because taxpayers deserve to have something new and fun, and I hope to do it for no charge,” said DeTroye.


Alonzo Park Hortonville, Hortonville Village Board, ice rink