Holly Neumann Photo
By Holly Neumann
A dedication ceremony for Chester L. Krause Legacy Park is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 13, in Iola.
The ceremony will be held at the corner of Chet Krause Drive and Water Street and will salute Krause’s lifetime contributions.
In the event of inclement weather, the program will be held at the Iola Historical Society’s nearby machine shed museum building, located two blocks west of North Main Street at 222 Depot St.
“It is important that we remember and preserve Chet Krause’s lifetime contributions,” said Clifford Mishler, who is helping organize the event. “He with little question has been Iola’s all-time most consequential individual. His contributions to the welfare of the local community are unprecedented.
“His support of the hobbies and mankind’s social needs were manifold and selfless,” he said. “His contributions to broadcasting Iola’s existence statewide, nationally and internationally as a consequence of the successes of his publishing ventures and the Iola Old Car Show were priceless.”
Six presenters will speak, including Tom Uram, president of the American Numismatic Association; Ken Nimocks of the Society of Automotive Historians; Alan Loux, president of Rawhide Boys Ranch; Terri Wilchek, resource development officer at Marshfield Clinic; Iola Village Board President Jennifer Schustek; and Krause family member Patti Dickhut.
A new statue of Krause will be unveiled during the dedication and Iola Village Board trustee David Harper will read a proclamation of Chester L. Krause Day in the village.
The Iola-Scandinavia High School band will provide musical selections at the event, which is open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
The hope is the park will serve to remind local residents of Krause’s contributions and enlighten future generations of the heritage from which they will benefit.