Monday, January 13, 2025

Manawa hosts Freedom Shoot


A fundraising event for the Manawa Area Veterans Freedom Park will be held Saturday April 22. Holly Neumann Photo

Event to raise funds for veterans park

By Holly Neumann

The Manawa Area Veterans Freedom Park will hold its annual Freedom Shoot.

The event, a fundraiser for the park, will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday April 22, at the Manawa Gun Club, E5784 North Water Drive, Manawa.

John Smith, who helps plan the event, said this is typically one of two of the biggest events the organization relies on heavily to get their projects done.

“This is very similar to the Fishing for Freedom event, as it involves oftentimes two or three generations of family members,” he said. “We always try to have events that are family-oriented and can bring families out for a day of fun and fundraising.”

There will be two rounds of 25 trap shoots.

The cost is $80 per person, which includes a meal, and an optional team shoot, which costs $100.

Annie Oakley shoots will take place in between.

“The Annie Oakley shoots are basically a side-by-side shooting competition that involves three people shooting at the same target possibly,” Smith said. “As many people as want to can participate in this event, but you take three shooters at a time.”

The first shooter will call for the bird and if they hit it, that round is over. If the shooter misses, the second shooter has a chance to shoot.

If that shooter hits the bird, the round is over and the first shooter is eliminated. If the second shooter misses the bird, the third person gets a chance to shoot. If they hit the bird, the first two competitors are eliminated.

“It is very intense and super-friendly and fun competition,” Smith said.

Contact Smith at 920-284-2782 or at Smith’s Manawa Steak House in Manawa at 920-596-2811 for more information or to register for the event.


A banquet will follow at 4 p.m. at Bear Lake Resort.

Nonshooters are also welcome to attend. The cost is $25 per person, which includes the meal.

Funds raised will be used to help complete the park by early next year at the latest.

“Our final three projects include building the bridge across the canal to connect the memorial side of the park to the family side of the park,” Smith said. “That bridge will symbolize the union between military families and the military.”

The parking lot around the shelter house will be blacktopped, which will complete the project to make the area accessible to people of all abilities. A wall to recognize MAVFP supporters will also be installed.

“Without the support of our community and surrounding communities, this project never would have come to fruition,” Smith said. “It’s important that we get these walls up and people can be recognized for their gifts to our soldiers and their families, but even more important, every one of those donors has a special message for our military and their families that will be engraved with their names.

“The organization is grateful for every dollar donated and every minute that someone has volunteered to work one of our fundraisers,” he said. “Most of all, we are very grateful for the sacrifices of our military men and women.”

Manawa Freedon Shoot


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