As one of his final acts before leaving office in January as director of the United States Mint, Edmund Moy awarded the "Director's Coin for Excellence" medal to a small number of individuals, including Numismatic News editor David C. Harper.
"I'm grateful for your fair coverage of the Mint and myself during my tenure," Moy wrote in a note to Harper. "Just about what I expect of a fellow Badger. Here's my Coin for Excellence in appreciation."
The medal came as a surprise and honor to Harper.
"I returned from the World Money Fair in Berlin to find the medal and a nice note from the former Mint director in my mail," he said. "He thanked me for giving the Mint fair coverage. I would hope that this is every journalist's intent, but if I am being given a medal for it, perhaps not."
The 2-1/4-inch diameter, black and gold color medal depicts the U.S. Treasury Department seal on one side along with the words "United States Mint Director's Coin For Excellence." The other side features a motif of six raised stars and four banner stripes with the words "To be recognized as the finest mint organization in the world."
Harper, also executive editor of World Coin News and editor of U.S. Coin Digest and North American Coins and Prices, has been with Krause Publications for more than 30 years.
Krause Publications, based in Iola, is the world's largest publisher of leisure-time periodicals and books on collectibles, sewing and quilting, hunting, and construction. Chet Krause, a long-time collector of coins, published the first issue of Numismatic News on Oct. 13, 1952, with nearly 1,000 readers.
Today, Krause Publications, owned by F+W Media, offers more than 40 periodicals, 10 hobby shows including the Chicago International Coin Fair and Chicago Paper Money Expo, 750 reference and how-to books, and web properties such as, the online coin price database.