Wednesday, December 11, 2024

NL School Board seeks new member

School board member Terry Wegner resigned after 15 years on the board of education during a Sept. 27 special meeting.

Superintendent Bill Fitzpatrick announced his vacancy during Monday's regular scheduled board meeting and said the board is accepting applications for the vacant position. The deadline for application is 4 p.m. Nov. 5.

Individuals can get applications at the district office or write a letter of interest to the board. The letter should address member interest and describe benefits candidates can bring to the board as a member.

Applications and letters will be viewed in early November with appointment to follow during December's regular scheduled meeting.

The appointed candidate will serve until the term ends in April 2012.

Tax and Levy Update

The district received certified values on October 1 used to set the tax and levy rate. Using current values, the actual tax levy will be $30, 027 less than last year, according to the October Director of Business report. However, there is an increase of 33 cents per $1,000 of equalized value. A property valued at $100,000 will pay $33.40 more for property taxes compared to last year. These numbers are subject to change once the district receives the final total of State aid.

City of New London Partnership for Kids

The City of New London billboard on Highway 45 North, just east of Crystal Falls is in need of an update. In August, the city's Economic Development Committee meeting, it was suggested that a partnership be made with the School District to design a new City billboard.

The City and District are creating a contest for students to develop and propose a billboard design. There will be student teams consisting of 3-5 students who will work with High School staff members at the start of the second semester on the design proposals. Proposals are due in early May and the top five teams will present their ideas to the City Council. The winning team will also receive a $500 prize, according to Fitzpatrick.

Director of Business and Human Resources Position Posted

The district has posted the position of Director of Business and Human Resource Service and is accepting applications for initial interviews in early November.

The position will fill the vacancy upon retirement of Richard Yerkey, Director of Business Services, in December. Several teams consisting of administrators, teachers and board members will interview potential candidates. Final candidates will be interviewed by all board members. The board hopes to have the position filled by December with a scheduled start date of January 3.

Student Enrollment Increases

The student enrollment thus far for the 2010-2011 school year has significantly increased since last school year. The increase is a result of the addition of the Four-Year Old Kindergarten Program. The 4K program consists of 144 students. "Without the 4K students the enrollment would be flat," Fitzpatrick said.

The total enrollment of students this year is about 10 students less than it was in the fall of 2002.

High School Musical

The New London High School presents "You're a good man Charlie Brown" for its fall musical. Show times for the musical will be at 7p.m. Nov. 4-6. Performances for the Elementary and Middle School students will be Nov. 3-4 during school hours. Tickets can be purchased by calling the High School.


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