By Bert Lehman
The Clintonville School Board released Superintendent David Dyb from the final year of his contract.
The action was taken after the school board returned from closed session at its March 22 meeting.
The following day, Lori Poppe, president of the school board, issued the following statement, which was released to the media via the district.
“After returning to open session the Clintonville Board of Education during the March 22, 2021 meeting, took action to grant Dr. David Dyb a release of his contract effective June 30, 2021 for the purposes of his voluntary resignation from the District pending mutual agreement of terms and conditions.
“The Board of Education thanks Dr. Dyb for his hard work and dedication over the last four years with the District and the Clintonville community.
“The Board wishes Dr. Dyb well in his future professional endeavors.”
No information was released about the “pending mutual agreement of terms and conditions” of Dyb being released from his contract. Dyb’s contract was scheduled to run through June 30, 2022, the end of the 2021-22 school year.
Dyb told the Clintonville Tribune-Gazette this school year has been a “challenging year,” and he has decided to change his career path and leave school administration in order to return to teaching.
He said he has a teaching job lined up to teach middle school social studies in a different state.
Dyb said he still enjoys being part of school administration and the impact he has on the school district, staff and families in the district, as well as the community, but there is a “calling” to return to teaching.
He was a teacher the first nine years of his career.
“An opportunity presented itself, on top of all the pressures and stress of this happening this last year, it seemed like an opportunity and a sign for me to step away from administration and go back to the classroom,” Dyb said.
The decision was “gut-wrenching,” Dyb said.
“I’m excited to go back to the classroom,” he said. “At the same token, I’m saddened because of exciting things happening in Clintonville.”
He added, “We’ve really accomplished a lot of things here in my four years and I know I can take great pride in all the things that we as a district have accomplished. I couldn’t have done it without the (school) board and the (school) staff and community. The board gave me the reins in this district and allowed me to grow it and move it under their guidance. I’m so appreciative of them giving me the opportunity the past four years to do that. Without their guidance and support, we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish everything that we’ve had.”
When asked what he is most proud of during his time as superintendent, Dyb said, “I probably take the most pride in, was the ability to really re-image the district in positive light with all of our community partners.”