By John Faucher
The Hortonville Village Board voted to sell 5 acres of land in the Hortonville Industrial Park at a Sept. 13 board meeting.
The board unanimously approved the sale to SCP Inc. after the firm agreed to a village counter-offer purchase price of $3,000 per acre.
SCP Inc. is a family-owned and operated business with more than 65 employees at locations in Hortonville and Waldo.
It specializes in producing skids, crates and wood pallets for use in all industries.
SCP’s corporate headquarters is at 1010 Corporation Drive in Hortonville.
“They are running out of space at their current location and wish to expand and keep their business in Hortonville,” Interim Village Administrator Russ Van Gompel said.
SCP Inc. asked for two years to plan, design and begin construction of an addition, with the final completion within three years of the purchase date.
Van Gompel said the estimated construction value is in excess of $750,000.