Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Stoplights back


Pilot program ends in downtown

Two downtown Waupaca intersections returned to being controlled by their normal traffic signals earlier this week.

Motorists are now being reminded to observe the traffic laws for a signalized intersection.

The move signaled the end of a pilot program that turned the intersections into four-way stops.

For a little bit more than a month, the intersections of Main and Fulton streets and Main and Badger streets had flashing red signals.

The right turn lanes from Fulton Street onto Main Street and Badger Street onto Main Street were also temporarily removed during the pilot program.

City staff and SEH Engineering studied the traffic flow during the pilot program.

SEH Engineering is one of the city’s consultants for its Main Street reconstruction project.

A survey was also available to obtain feedback from residents.

The city’s Community and Economic Development Department will now compile the data, which will then be reviewed by city staff.

Conducting the month-long pilot program was the recommendation of the city’s consultant.

The city is preparing for the 2021 reconstruction and redesign of Main Street.

One of the goals is to create a downtown environment that is safe and pedestrian friendly.

The plan proposes curb extension bumpouts at intersections as a way to make the downtown more walkable.

The bumpouts would decrease the walking distance between streets, slow vehicular traffic down and provide spaces for gathering and focal points.

Eliminating signalized intersections at the two intersections is seen as another way to improve walkability and make pedestrian movements safe.

The city’s Downtown Master Plan also includes the removal of the right turn lane at Fulton and Main streets.

The traffic study conducted by SEH Engineering concluded there is no need for that movement.

Waupaca Main Street


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