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Obamacare means higher costs for seniors

I sincerely applaud Greg Oerter’s letters to the editor, expressing the conservative point of view over the past few years. I also agree with him that Obamacare statements and promises are full of lies.

Another promise by the Affordable Care Act is that senior citizens on Medicare won’t be affected by the rules on Obamacare. Yet, Medicare has been modified by the government, resulting in many cuts and reductions in coverage. Therefore, the thousands of Medicare recipients who are paying for full supplemental insurance policies, that pick up all amounts due that are not paid by Medicare, will now have to cover the increased costs due to these reductions in Medicare starting in 2014.

In turn, the supplemental premiums to the insured senior citizens will increase substantially. We’ve already been contacted by our insurance company that we can expect increased costs. Does this sound like senior citizens on Medicare won’t be affected?

We’re now investigating alternatives to our existing supplemental coverage to maybe offset the forthcoming increased premiums.

Finally, there have been millions of pro and con comments made abut Obamacare, so there’s no way to draw final conclusions on it. With over 2,000 pages in it, with virtually no one having read all of it, I suggest that all of us simply wait and watch as it plays out on its own during the next year or two. If it implodes on itself, OK. If it works out, OK. In any case, let us say, the best is yet to come.

Ron Reynolds


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