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Hike-a-thon in Iola

Fall colors highlight of event on Ice Age Trail

The 33rd annual Ice Age Trail fall hike-a-thon is Saturday, Oct. 5, starting at the Iola Winter Sports Club.

The club is located at E398 County Trunk MM, 5.5 miles north of Iola.

Registration is from 8:30–11 a.m.

The cost is $5 for individuals and $15 for families.

School/youth groups with five or more hikers ages 6-18 and corporate or municipal sponsorships pay $3 per number of people.

Hikers are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather.

They are hiking on the Iola Winter Sports Club and New Hope segment of the trail.

The hike includes three rest stops, with water and apples available.

“The hike-a-thon is a way of publicizing the trail and raising funds to help maintain the trail,” said board member Ron Harris. “Many families participate, and some people hike every year as one of their fall ‘must do’s.’ The hike is held the first Saturday of October and is usually when fall colors are at their peak.”

Previously separate, the Portage and Waupaca chapters of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail are combining since the local trail segments weave back and forth through both counties.

All proceeds will remain in the Portage/Waupaca County Chapter to be used locally for trail building, maintenance and education.

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