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Sheriff Wilz a strong leader

This letter is to support our Sheriff, Tim Wilz.

We attended the Sheriff’s Forum last month and have listened to Sheriff Wilz speaking to citizen groups. We urge the citizens of Waupaca County to consider events that led to the sheriff having a challenger, Officer Durrant. Sheriff Wilz has spent the last four years retooling a stagnant department that was mired in favoritism, nepotism and promoted officers based on longevity, not performance.

The sheriff disciplined some officers, one whose father is on the Waupaca County Board of Supervisors. Certain Board members support another disciplined employee, Officer Durrant, in running against the sheriff. Note that we write “run against the sheriff” not “run for sheriff.”

During the forum, Officer Durrant admitted that he would rather “be working for the FBI” and that his four-year plan is “retirement.”

He also said that he would enforce gun confiscation laws if they were “on the books.” Sheriff Wilz is a strong leader who supports the Second Amendment and stated that he would not allow Constitutional violations.

Certain county board members have defamed the sheriff on social media as evidenced by one member, Fred Zaug from New London, who on June 4 in a Facebook conversation referred to the sheriff as “a monster, lying and crooked.”

The taxpayers deserve elected officials that work for our betterment, not play dirty politics. We are grateful that we have a Constitutional sheriff. We cannot let disgruntled employees jeopardize our safety over HR issues.

The taxpayers of the county are smart people. Go to the site below and watch the Sheriff’s Forum. You can determine which man you want in charge of protecting you and your loved ones – https://tinyurl.com/WaupacaSF

Along with stealing Wilz campaign signs throughout the county, the Durrant Team is going door to door disparaging Sheriff Wilz to members of the community. We had four campaign signs stolen with three “private property signs.” Waupaca city police have the reports. This man is running for sheriff, you would think that they would know that these activities are against the law.

Nick and Christine Seidl

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